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The most difficult job you will ever love


If you are here searching for support in your role as a parent, please read this part carefully:

You are a good person and you have helpful parenting instincts.

As with many important things in life, no one tells us ahead of time how gut-wrenching and soul-crushing the job of raising another human person can be. There are a million How To books but in fact, there is no easily digestible, one-size-fits-all manual. 

With all this in mind, we want to assure you that you are not alone, there are answers to be found, support to be enjoyed, and we welcome you to Pono Roots. 


Services for Parents

Individual Counseling 


One of the most important keys to good parenting, is parent self-knowledge. Whether your child is struggling, you have concerns about how you are doing as a parent, or you are simply curious about your own childhood, seeking individual therapy almost always results in better parenting. 


We offer individual counseling for parents. 

Couples Counseling 

Well-attuned couples make better parents. Children raised in homes wherein a loving parental relationship is present, are generally happier, more confident, and more likely to make better relationship choices as adults.


We offer couples therapy for parents.

Parent Training

Parent training supports parents in parenting with more confidence, and in raising happier, healthier children. Parenting training is conducted on-line, face to face, in small groups, and one on one, based on client need.

We offer parent training. 

Co-Parenting/Court-Ordered Parenting

In cases of divorce, custody issues, or separation, the court may require parents to meet with a neutral third party to support their growth and collaboration as parents sharing children. 

We offer co-parenting and court-ordered parenting 


Challenged Parents 

We offer specialized support for parents concerned about their children who present with behavioral challenges, school-related issues, neuro atypical, FASD, or other unique characteristics. 

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